Life planning and financial planning are two distinct approaches to helping clients achieve their goals and secure their financial futures. While financial planning typically focuses on achieving specific financial milestones, life planning considers broader life goals. By understanding a client’s life goals and values, financial advisors can provide more effective financial guidance and align investments and other financial decisions with the client’s long-term aspirations.

“You have to be willing to let go of your ego when it comes to life planning because the client is the expert on their lives. They know where they are in their life, how they feel, and when they’re ready to move forward. So, you have to let go of being the person with all the answers. The most valuable thing is letting go of that and just being present, guiding them, and facilitating them to find their answers.” ~ Andrea Millar

In this episode, Steve talks with Andrea Millar, Founder of Andrea Millar Life Planning. Andrea is a life planner and coach who guides people to bring more joy, intention, and meaning to each day, build a work life that supports their personal life, and find renewed purpose and peace as they go through life’s transitions.

With a passion for inspiring and empowering people to live their best lives, Andrea talks about her perspective on life planning, specifically how an emphasis on life planning works and its impact on the client relationship. She also shares the five buckets that make up a successful life planning conversation, the difference between life planning and financial planning, and how they complement one another.



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